Are lizards a good option for new pet owners?

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Lizards can make fascinating pets, but they have specific care requirements that need to be met to ensure their well-being!

Pet lizards can be suitable for some new pet owners, but they may not be the best choice for everyone. Lizards can make fascinating and unique pets, but they also have specific care and enclosure requirements that need to be met to ensure their well-being. Here are some factors to consider when determining if a pet lizard is a good fit for a new owner:

Experience Level

While some lizard species are relatively easy to care for, others can be more challenging. If you’re a new pet owner with little or no experience in reptile care, it’s essential to choose a beginner-friendly species that is more tolerant of mistakes.

Time Commitment

Lizards require time and effort to maintain a suitable environment, including the right temperature, humidity, lighting, and diet. Some species may need daily attention, while others might need less frequent care. Consider your schedule and whether you can dedicate enough time to care for a pet lizard properly.

Check out some supplies lizards typically enjoy having in there enclosures here.

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Space & Budget

Lizards need adequate enclosures that mimic their natural habitat. The setup can be expensive, and ongoing costs for food, substrate, and other supplies should be taken into account.

Lizards can make fascinating pets, but they have specific care requirements that need to be met to ensure their well-being!
Just chillin’

Handling & Interaction

Not all lizards enjoy handling, and some may become stressed or even aggressive when handled frequently. If you want a pet that you can interact with and handle regularly, research which species are more social and tolerant of handling.


Some lizard species have a relatively long lifespan, so be prepared for a long-term commitment. Depending on the species, you could be caring for your pet lizard for a decade or more.

Health Concerns

Like all pets, lizards can get sick and require veterinary care. Finding a reptile-savvy veterinarian may be a challenge in some areas, so consider the availability of suitable veterinary care before getting a pet lizard.

If you’re willing to invest time, effort, and research into learning about lizard care, and you choose a beginner-friendly species that matches your preferences and lifestyle, a pet lizard can be a rewarding and enjoyable companion. However, if you’re unsure about your ability to meet their specific needs, it might be better to consider a more low-maintenance pet option.

Click to read our blog about Lizard Enclosure Temperature Requirements!

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