How often should I replace my cats litter?

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Be sure to replace your cats litter frequently to avoid messes, smells, and potential viruses

To maintain a clean and healthy environment for your cat, it’s best to replace their litter on a regular basis. The frequency of litter replacement can vary depending on the type of litter you use, the number of cats you have, and your cat’s litter box habits.

Here are some recommendations for your cats litter…

  1. Scoop the litter box daily: Scooping the litter box every day helps remove solid waste and clumps, preventing odor buildup and keeping the litter box clean.
  2. Regular litter replacement: Along with daily scooping, it is a good idea to replace the entire litter in the box at regular intervals. This typically ranges from once a week to once every two weeks, depending on the factors mentioned above. Once a month should do the trick with one cat. Once every two weeks is ideal for two cats. More frequently if you have more than two cats. Shop Now for cat litter from!
  3. Monitoring odor and cleanliness: Pay attention to the odor and overall cleanliness of your cats litter box. If you notice a strong odor or the litter appears dirty before the regular replacement interval, replace it sooner.
  4. Quality of the litter: Some types of litter, such as clumping litter, are better at absorbing moisture and controlling odor than others. High-quality litters may require less frequent replacement compared to lower-quality options.

Done with litter? Check out the Leo’s Loo Too from Smarty Pear!

Remember that cats can be particular about their litter boxes. Maintaining cleanliness is essential to encourage proper litter box usage. Additionally, some cats may have individual preferences, so observe your cat’s behavior and adjust the litter replacement frequency as needed.

Pro tip: Look into buying an enclosed litter box to reduce the mess they make when covering their mess! This can also help reduce the amount of litter they track through the house when they’re done.

Your cats litter can be the source of a lot of mess - avoid some of it with an enclosed litter box!
Covered cat litter boxes can be a savior for cat owners!

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